Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A must read post for my return!

Hey sexies, a very big apologies to people who expect that I'll blog something through my attachment. And sorry to disappoint an of your, who waited for my post...
Appreciate those who kept coming to check on my blog.
There's so lot that I want to update your...
First I will start on my results which have been release last night. I heard it was released at 12am, last midnight. I didn't check on the results and I totally forgot the date that it release till today, during attachment, I saw Doris(the lecturer in charge of us) letting Ash to use the computer to check the result.

Here's a quick preview of my results.
I didn't do very well it but I'm happy that I pass all my subjects.
That's what I hope for in the first place. Look out for my Critical Thinking result. Remember I once post about I didn't realise that I should hand the report and blahblahblah... and guess what I pass! But obviously everyone pass with flying colours except me. Everyone handed the report on time and didn't write rubbish for the report, so I deserve the D+!
(click to enlarge)

I'll really commit suicide if I happen to fail any of my subject through all means. HA! Ironically for a 'future-nurse' to say that! Aiya! Nurse also need someone to save them right? You think nurse what? God is it? STUPID! Haha. (My stupid doesn't mean that you're really stupid. It meant nothing, don't feel offended. I just feel like adding the word- stupid... Funny! Adding a un-meaningful word for that case- stupid in my post need so much explanations. Must as well write a essay on it. Okay, I shall stop the explanation here, if not I'm getting split personality.)

Wanna know how I felt about my attachment?
Mainly through this going-three-weeks-attachment, I have made lots of friends/SN/AN/health care workers etc..., get to know my friends better, eat 05943895 plates of chicken rice, and most importantly I have absorb more Nursing life's working experiences. I enjoy working in TTSH because most of the people (eg.Staff nurses and patients) are amicable, and they are willing to help.
They're just NICENICENICE, even when I'm like WRONGWRONGWRONG.

My lovely friends and staff nurses.
Honey and Charmaine, they're nicenicenice!
To NYP friends:
haha! I know nothing surpising!

I call them Nice people.

As I said before in my blog posting, I rate myself 'Later'. (did I? or was it some other names? Nevermind.) Later = A person who do not arrive in time for any sort of events(major/minjor) that he/she supposed to arrive at.
Opps, I did it again!
Yes! I was late for the last day of attachment. WTF! WTF for the time I woke up and not to her, she called at the right time. In fact, is her phone call that saved me from coming back on Saturday. Didn't expect to be be late for the last day. You know how much I hate to be late, even I'm a 'Later'. You know how much I hate not to be able to control my metal status while I'm soundly asleep. You know some people are able to control whether they want to be late or not, but I can't. Most of the time I couldn't remember when or why i switched off my alarm clock and went back to sleep. I DIDN'T WANT TO... but still I woke up at 6.23am. (I learn to record in exact timing in Nursing, NO FORGING! :) ) And for today I need to stay back half an hour more, for my unpunctuality.

WHAT THE F*** IS THIS (the photo below)?! Someone may asked.
I seriously tried committing suicide, but I failed.
You know... it's easy! Just cut the edge of you mouth.

To the everything-also-know-dumbdumb,
is there other ways to commit suicide? I really wish to..
Anyway what's suicide, I can't seems to find my dictionary.

Signing off,

If you think it's a JOKE?
YOU'RE RIGHT! It's a joke.
On a unfortunate day during his going-three-weeks-attachment, I accidentally cut myself with a shaving blade. Obviously I was shaving, and I wasn't skillfully in shaving, resulting in getting a cut.

The scar still remains till today...

Today was the last day of my posting, and i celebrated by...
Jumping with Friends! haha, fail attempt.

Ya, that's a joke too.
Today went out with buddy buddies. We did the normal stuff, practically killing off time.
Have your tried this? (name too long, lazy to type)
clue: something green tea frape...

I tried.
And I'll like to sing a song...
Love it or hate it, it's stil an obsession.
It's still acceptable WITHOUT mixing the whipped cream with green tea Frape.
It taste totally disgusting after mixing.

More tomorrow... TO BE CONTIUNED!
I hate my slanty eye.


Charmaine said...

OMG!!! so qiao can!! it surprising!!! unlike wad u sae lor.. haha... we're meeting soon! i'm can't wait!!!

JS said...

To charmaine: HAHA, I'M superego! Ya, I also can't wait to meet you people! Meet your on SATURDAY!!