Sunday, January 13, 2008

worst mail sent

Tell you being a male Singaporean is not easy...
I just received a letter from MINDEF Singapore (I don't even know what the MINDEF stands for) to register to be a NS man. I guess it means Military Defence? correct me if I'm wrong.
Anyway the whole process it's a chore, I couldn't figured out how to login the damn thing. After many tries, I sent a email to someone who I don't even know for mercy help... but few mintues later, I figured out that I was at the wrong place that I supposed to login. The wrong process is a total crap. Then I sent a email back saying that I'm sorry, the problem is solved.
ARGH, it's a biggest embarrassment to send that mail!
You know what I typed in the mail:
I said sorry for the informal mail I sent, but I need a little help. I'm unable to login to the blahblahblah. Please reply asap, thanks.
Best regard,
and my freaking IC number.

DAMN, if I'm the person reading this I will laugh till I'm out of breath.
The worst thing is I don't know which help out I sent to!

Now I have to complete the damn irritating task before I sleep, because I don't want to overshot the due date.
Anyway, today went to NYP's open house.
The performance was super cool, I enjoyed it.
Love Fam's performances too, althought it's super short.
Fam love yourself more! Stop bruising yourself!

For those who will miss me, this is for you.
(I'm puking too!)

Love this photo, scenary is super nice.

I shall end my day here, bye.


Anonymous said...

im leaving a comment now not because i miss u. its because i know u miss me. dun cry la if u wan my photo den u tell me. i can give u autograph somemore.

JS said...

TO tere,
So sorry for the late reply!
I know you miss me, but it's okay.
I'm sure we will meet someday :)