Saturday, February 14, 2009

Post V day.

How's your V day today? Have you not sleep like me yesterday just to make your little gift for your sweet heart? Haha. I did.
I was wondering what to give her when February announced it's arrival.
February always reminds me of couples, and it's most probably because of this special day.
I was thinking of a cheap and meaningful present.
At first I was thinking of "making our picture" on a chocolate, but when I intended to do...
The shop who I have seen with this creative idea was gone.
(If anyone happen to see this shop, please tell me!)
So in the end I thought of making of my own roses.
I searched on Youtube "How to make paper roses?"
and there's a lot of ways in doing it...
Then I came across this video, which is very cool.
It makes my idea easy and workable.

but making this paper roses don't come easy...
You need a lot of essentials which I don't know where to get.
Then I remember my favourite shop Daiso which has everything in the world to my believe.
contrary to my believe, most of the things I needed I bought it from there expect...

and I don't know what it's call.
"Green sticky tape to make flowers?"
(anyone has better ideas?)
At last I got it with the help of my mother.
A BIG THANK YOU to her!!!
Without this, nothing can be done, luckily she understands me.
Other than that... the rest of the things can be easily found at Daiso.

Coffee filter


the stems

So with all these... you are really to start:
first you need to cut the templates of the flowers,
you can get it from the Youtube video.
Speaking of these template I had a very hard time, finding a printer to print it.
First I went National Library thinking that they have computer and printer, but you can't use their USB ports so there goes my plan A of use my thumbdrive.
So I thought of assessing to my National Library account to the internet to download it. But I forgotten my account. There goes my luck again, plan B gone!
Then, I thought of the Fuji flim developer has got printer, I asked them whether could I print my files from thumbdrive. They said yes but the first piece is 3 dollars and the next is 1 dollar. O.M.E.G! 3 dollar for a bloody piece of paper... (roll my eyes to the max!) But thinking that I need that so urgently, I agreed. And thank god, I'm not scam by them, my files couldn't be opened. Plan C is a scam!!
Out of no choices left, I thought of going by to National Library again to ask for help. I was able to retrieve my ID and password but afterwhich I need to have a maraton with the time. By the time I settled infront of the computer it was already 2045hours, and they closes at 2100hours. MADNESS! I searched through Youtube for the "very-hard-to-find-video" for almost ten minutes, and I thought I was luck, but they couldn't open PDF files too. GESS! Double failure of plan B!
Plan Z works!
The very last thing I could think of was to trace the coffee filter with the open PDF file to the exact size of the coffee filter on the monitor. I work! But I don't know what damage does it do to the monitor.
A very long story!
Thankfully I got my templates and here they are...

The require amount of them.

and with the guide of the video...

With everything on hand, you shall make your first ever paper rose!
Beautiful. I like~

and when you work overnight, this is what you get...

By the time I do finish it's already 0800plus in the morning...
Time files so fast. And I couldn't funtion much, and took this crazy photo.

Now you need some painting for it.

Wrapping up, you need wrapping papers...

This is my gift for her. XO woots!

And her gift for me; excellent.

I love!

People, hope everyday will be as sweet as V day.
That's all for the day.
Good night~!

1 comment:

-JoJo- said...

din noe ur V day is tat sweet lah..
be careful get diabetes sio! jkjk!
e roses i mus comment is pretty well done!!
& i guess e chocolates taste sweeter then wat u can describe!!
wish u both xin fu +++!!