Monday, January 12, 2009

I love you MI and ML!

How can i stop my bitchy-ness?
I just feel that there is a bitch living in me, and people tend to hate me because of that.
And I hate myself too!
Tell me a solution to my problem.
Maybe too much of gossip girls, I totally thinks that bitch has been awaken by that show.
whatever, bitch you!
Here is season one, episode one: ilot

First day of attachment at IMH was fun.
People there are real interesting.
They say stuff that really sound real but it ain't.
How many times can a perfect normal human come in a contact with MI patient?
And how many MI patient can a perfect normal human who is not a nurse come in contact with such a big group of MI patient?
I just think I'm lucky enough to have the chance.

I'm so tired now.
Good night people.

1 comment:

Charmaine said...

but u so dun love us la!!!