Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I know you know that I'm so busy recently.
I just get so exhausted everyday that I don't wish to do anything and can't remember anything...
I'm so forgetful.
I actually forget whoever b'day till... you know I read her blog.
I know you know who I'm talking about.
Qianhui I still love you, don't worry.
It's like one week after your b'day.
I know you'll not be happy that you hear nothing from your cousins, but wishes just kept coming from from your friends... It may not be cousinS but a cousin.
Anyway anyway, I still LOVE you.
DONT angry okay!

Today have to freaking write a report due to a patient's complain.
I FUCKING hate redundant extra jobs, although I'm assigned to be in that cubicle to service them. BUT I DEFINETLY CAN SAY THAT I SAID NOTHING TO PATIENT THAT LEADS TO MISCOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPLAINS.
I suspect the suspect but she said the reserve before we could even say/ask anything to her.
Me and other student most of the them wasn't in our cubicle(most of the time), after we did what we're supposed to do, we just roam around the ward. We have no waste of our precious time to confuse our patient. I don't know about the other shift but I suspect is HER.
I rewrote the report for freaking X number of times.
Sometimes I just don't understand why people need to put others in difficulties.
We as free labours/free angels help as much as we can in the ward but is seen as devils. Like we always get the Staff nurse into more trouble than helping them.
So much to complain! Nursing isn't that easy as it look! NOT JUST CLEANING BACKSIDES!
We not only deal with patients, but their family, and not only the client them, themselves but within ourselves, eg. staff nurses, ward sisters, colleagues...
So much so much.

whatever it's. I just wish I have more time to care about myself than this shits.
let's end the post with OH CRAP like one of the stuff nurses keep saying.

OH-CRAP! Crappy life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL~ But thanks for the belated b'day greet. Nah, it's not only you who forget laaa, enru also nvr wish me, So ... nth to say.. it's over alrd. :D Stay happy! Miss you too. Meet up soon.