Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Tomorrow is my Sociology exam and im still siting in front of my computer slacking. i know i once said that im having my exam on Monday but somehow my classmates got the timing wrongly. I bet that im sure going to fail this exam, partly is because i did not studied the subject well. But the main reason was the exam is going to be to difficult for me, as i said before, it's whole chunk of logic that this/that person have came out with. there's alot to be memorized.

My left arm hurts alot the whole day, i think the blood pressure cuff want put there for too long. I think Grace didn't mean it, i feel that she wanted to release the cuff, but the teacher continued examine her steps. Grace im not blaming you, so dont bother much on my hand.
After hearing Mdm ee said about the practical test, im freaked-out. It seems like it's super hard. They will give you a scenario and you have to nurse the patient base on the scenario. It's freaky can.
Today was FUN, especially till the end of the day where the lecturer didn't come for god knows reasons. And the whole group of us was like having a party. i went around playing 'Pepsi-Cola' with everyone i know, and i lost to everyone. super sad, everyone bullied me. Xanthe said that i have long fingers that why i will lose to everyone. it's not an excuse, is a fact. I like everyone in group22, they're very nice. When you're depress/angry/sick, people will care/stand up for you. Yeah, there is more people joining my trip home; Grace, Joey, Eira.

Hope tomorrow exam will be super easy!

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